274735Golden 7’s #818

Golden 7’s #818

Golden 7’s #818


Match any of YOUR NUMBERS to any of the WINNING NUMBERS, win PRIZE shown for that number. Get a “7 AUTOWIN” symbol, win that PRIZE. Get a “7 DOUBLER” symbol, win DOUBLE that PRIZE. Get a “5X” symbol, win 5 TIMES that PRIZE. Get a “10X” symbol, win 10 TIMES that PRIZE. Get a “25X” symbol, win 25 TIMES that PRIZE.

BONUS SPOTS: Get a “BILL STACK” symbol in any of the BONUS SPOTS, win PRIZE shown for that spot. Overall odds are 1 in 3.62.

Cost to Play: $25.00

Top Prize: $2,000,000

274696Mega Millionaire Jumbo Bucks #990 & #1990

Mega Millionaire Jumbo Bucks #990 & #1990

Mega Millionaire Jumbo Bucks #990 & #1990


Match any of YOUR NUMBERS to any of the eight SERIAL NUMBERS, win prize shown for that number. Get a “JUMBO” and win 5 times that prize. Overall odds are 1 in 2.91.

Cost to Play: $25.00

Top Prize: $2,000,000